The wife of the footballer made his debut as a fashion designer outside of Russia.
Inna Zhirkov with children
Photo: Press service of Zhirkov
The wife of football player Yuri Zhirkov gave a fashion show of the collection
evening dresses in Cyprus. For Inna it was a kind of debut — the first time
the show was held outside the country. The audience of the fashion show was not only to visitors from
Russia, but also foreign audience.
Milan took to the runway with a model display
Photo: Press service of Zhirkov
The model of the show
Photo: Press service of Zhirkov
Accompanied her on the trip her three children — the eldest son of Dima, the daughter of Milan and
the smallest of the family Jerkovich — year-old child Dan. The main star
the show was a 6-year-old Milan Zhirkov appeared on the catwalk in a bright red
dress and tore a storm of applause in the auditorium.
Model display Zhirkov
Photo: Press service of Zhirkov
The model of the show
Photo: Press service of Zhirkov
“Milan are growing a true fashionista, she likes to observe and
to take an active part in what I do, to share ina. It often
come with me in the Studio, together we choose the fabric, of which Milan is asking
her something to sew. Child is artistic, she likes to go to the podium, she
I was no longer ashamed. By the way, for me it was the first European show of what I
very happy, especially because after the show received a lot of good reviews”.