Popular Russian singer Svetlana Loboda in may 2018 became a mother for the second time. She had a girl and named her Tilda. Of course, in may this year she with their family and friends celebrated the child’s birthday loudly and magnificently, but the photos showed only today, six months after the celebration.
The holiday was organized very expensive and beautiful. All the celebration took place in one of the most popular restaurants in St. Petersburg. The organizers had decorated the hall with a huge amount of balls. In the center of the big gold letters was written the name Tilde, and English, and the whole room was filled with large pink balloons. Looked like the cake and other accessories of the feast, no one knows, Svetlana said she didn’t want to reveal all the secrets of her personal life.
For some reason today, November 14 Svetlana Loboda fell into a nostalgic mood. Before showing pictures from the celebration, she posted several photos of the period, when she was still pregnant. These photos the world has ever seen them, the singer poses for a few days before the birth of her second child.
The celebrity herself said that in these photos captures the moment when she and her stylist picked up the way to the future clip “Superstar”. We are talking about the clip which has caused a lot of dissatisfaction from the fans. It is in the video with a big belly dancing twerk.
Most interesting is that the father of Tilde Svetlana still hides from the public. Although all the fans are sure that it is the soloist of the German band till Lindemann. Many believe that the name Svetlana has chosen not consonant with by hard rock. The last pictures the girl’s face again visible, Loboda carefully hides this fact, so the fans still don’t know who looks like a Tilde. Although some fans Loboda, a child’s view from behind, did not stop to write that the girl is an exact copy of dad. The Loboda also has an older daughter, whose name is Evangelina. The girl this year was 8 years old. The father of the first child, the singer does not hide, it is a well-known choreographer Alexander King. The girl’s face very often can be seen on the official Instagram page of Svetlana Loboda. I hope that soon the singer will be solved and will show us all the youngest child.