59-летняя Елена Кондулайнен готова к рождению третьего ребенка
Recently 59-year-old actress Helen Kondulaynen shocked everyone by making an unexpected statement.

59-летняя Елена Кондулайнен готова к рождению третьего ребенка

The woman admits that not averse to become a mother for the third time. And according to Elena, Alla Pugacheva is a good example of this.

“If one of my deputies want once again, I became a mother, I will do it,” — said Kontulainen.

The actress said that the role of the mother she loves, and she is a good mother and the fetus.

“I have two beautiful boys: I know what it’s like to be a mom,” says the woman.

We will remind that Elena was married four times, and now she has two adult sons who have nothing to do with show business.

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