5 интересных фактов о Наташе Королевой
Famous singer today marks 43 years! For this significant date 7days.ru remember the most interesting facts from the life of the artist.

5 интересных фактов о Наташе Королевой

Natasha Koroleva

Photo: PersonaStars.com

5 интересных фактов о Наташе Королевой

The first performance of Natasha Koroleva

Photo: from the personal archive of Natasha Koroleva

She was a celebrity even before meeting with Igor Nikolaev

Natasha Koroleva (real name — Poryvai) was born 31
may 1973 in Kiev. Her parents Vladimir and Lyudmila Poryvai — the musicians. To ensure that Natasha and her sister a decent life, parents are not spared
themselves and their forces. “Dad worked two jobs, mom — on three, —
recalls the singer. — In addition to that, she taught at the Institute
and led the chapel choir, she had to get to the store
and lead the ensemble.”

The childhood of the future star was very difficult. The time was
severe, permanent deficits, and to buy anything was very difficult. Really helped me
part time job in a Department store mother — Lyudmila not so much earned
money, but made the right connections and had the opportunity to wear, to put on
two of his daughters.

Since childhood, the future star was a professional
music. Already at the age of three, Natasha took part in a Grand concert in
part of the children’s choir of radio and television of Ukraine, and in 12 recorded first
the song, which brought her huge popularity at home.

In the late 1980-ies Natasha went on tour in the United States,
where is her children’s rock-Opera “the peace Child” was a resounding success. Talented
the girl was invited to study for free at the American University, and after a few
months she had to go to America.

However, the trip to the States prevented a happy occasion. “Suddenly in
Kiev called the woman I once met in Yalta on
children’s festival, said Igor Nikolayev now listens for girls, and
asked to try. I persuaded my mother to go to Moscow”. This decision turned out to be
the fateful…

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  • 5 интересных фактов о Наташе Королевой
    Igor Nikolaev

  • 5 интересных фактов о Наташе Королевой

  • 5 интересных фактов о Наташе Королевой
    Natasha Koroleva

  • 5 интересных фактов о Наташе Королевой
    Lyudmila Poryvai


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