44-летняя Гвинет Пэлтроу обручилась с Брэдом Фэлчаком

2016 year has been momentous for many Hollywood couples. Many celebrities announced the divorce with its two halves. But in the end there were still a couple that decided to go against the flow and on the contrary to unite the destinies.

Western media reported about the wedding 44-year-old actress Gwyneth Paltrow with her lover brad Falshakom.

Details of the celebration yet the press is unknown. But the movie star has already shown a wedding ring, which she wore for a party organized by rapper Jay-Z.

By the way, in the event your boyfriend Gwyneth was represented exclusively as the groom.

The actress started Dating brad in 2014, six months later, after parting ways with vocalist of Coldplay Chris Martin. Note that the official divorce with the musician, the actress has issued only this summer, apparently, after he received a proposal of marriage from a new lover.