20 тысяч шарфов от Иванки Трамп были признаны опасными для покупателей

Ivanka Trump

In business of the daughter presidential candidate of the USA Donald trump Ivanka, who recently became a mother, the problems started in the USA was withdrawn a batch of scarves brand Ivanka, as the products were found to pose a risk to the consumer.

About 20 thousand scarves artificial silk produced in the factory in China in the period from October 2014 to January 2016, were deemed too flammable and don’t meet Federal standards.

Incidentally, it is interesting that the father Ivanka – Donald trump is running for US presidents from Republican party – not once in the framework of his election campaign criticized the American company, whose plant is located outside the country. At the same time, the politician’s daughter and a businessman, as we see, prefers to produce their products in China and not in USA.

20 тысяч шарфов от Иванки Трамп были признаны опасными для покупателей
Donald trump and Ivanka trump

20 тысяч шарфов от Иванки Трамп были признаны опасными для покупателей
Ivanka Trump

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