The wife of TV presenter Dmitry Dibrova shared an important event in the life of the baby. A young mother showed the first steps 11-month-old Elijah. Polina Dibrova extremely happy to the rapid development of the boy.
Perhaps, for all parents one of the most significant events in the life of a child the first word and first steps toddlers. Now the youngest son of the couple well-known TV presenter Dmitry Dibrova Polina only 11 months. But in the house of the famous couple has been a really joyful event – Ilya made his first independent steps in his life. Happy mother hastened to share this news in the microblogging.
“We have great news! Ilya Dmitrievich 11 months! And just today my son went! Cheers! The first! For comparison, Sasha walked at 11.5 months, and Fedor in a year”, – said Pauline. Fans shared the joy of parents in first steps of a baby. They hastened to congratulate Polina and Dmitry with this event.
“With the first steps the kids! In a good way!”, “So confident, not even swaying. Well done!”, “How lovely! I want to revise again and again” – admired followers.
Fans of Pauline noted that she copes with the role of the mother. Now Dibrovy are raising three successors – Alexander, Theodore and Ilya. However, the young wife of TV presenter manages to educate sons and to do business. But Dmitry said that completely exempted the wife from household duties and hired a staff of employees that monitor the house. Dmitry believes that men must protect their wives from washing and cleaning, but the girls are advised to look for prospective suitors who would have to provide them a carefree existence. The very same Pauline constantly accompanying her husband at social events and maintains an active lifestyle – has been in business, and regularly visits the gym.
Spouses do not exclude the appearance in their family to have another baby. Now the TV presenter and his wife dream of a girl. Apparently, Polina understands the great responsibility for the upbringing and care of children, but also not afraid to gain weight during pregnancy. Giving birth to a third child, she was 23 pounds fuller the ordinary. But a strict diet has helped Dibrova back in the same form.
“Imagine one cake – that’s six hours on the treadmill. Do you need it? So that it is easier to immediately set yourself on the right mood. Don’t be afraid to give up sweets. When they no longer have the same milk chocolate, the body quickly ceases to require it,” admitted Dibrova.