10 эффективных способов: как худеют Шейк, Бузова и Водонаева The bathing season only a few weeks, and your form is still not perfect? There are lots of rapid methods to bring the body to tone. Efficient way said the beautician Oksana Dugin.
10 эффективных способов: как худеют Шейк, Бузова и Водонаева

Age clients need to stimulate the production of collagen, the fibrous protein of connective tissues of the body. For example, in the form of extract, collagen, amino acids.

Drugs inject depending on the problem areas, the most common of which are the hips where cellulite is formed. Usually after a course of treatments the skin gets rid of the tuberosity. The volume goes from 5-10 cm, But we have to understand that it all depends on the condition of the patient at the time of the first procedure.

We must not forget that podkopaieva fiber is much lighter than muscle. Therefore, it may happen that the amount will go up to 10 cm, and the weight is almost unchanged. Visual results we get people with more weight. Such clients may leave 3-5 cm at the hips.

2. Wraps

Who makes: singer Shakira

10 эффективных способов: как худеют Шейк, Бузова и Водонаева

This method of weight loss and cleansing the body of toxins is loved by many. Because wraps are not only useful but also enjoyable. A fan of this procedure is that the owner of chic shapes Shakira. Wraps can be divided into three categories:

1. Alginate masks, which are derived from collegenews acid.

This acid is made from brown algae. Alginate masks are made of minerals and antioxidants and are sold in powder form. To breed them you can even plain water. Then the resulting mass is applied locally or the whole body. Within 15-20 minutes the alginate fully sets. To enhance the effect, at the beginning of the procedure can be applied to the so-called boosters. This highly concentrated formulations aimed at solving specific problems: cellulite, sagging, skin tone, etc. When the mask solidifies, it creates the effect of occlusion (creating a vacuum between the skin and the mask) that contribute to a more intense and deeper penetration of the funds that we paid for it, that is the boosters, which allows to achieve maximum effect. What results can we see after this procedure? First, improving the quality of skin, the skin becomes elastic, supple and soft. Second, there is a decrease in the volume due to the pronounced lymph-drainage effect. One treatment can take up to 2-3 cm, but it is for the use of active concentrates (booster). For maximum effect, I recommend to do the wrap 2-3 times a week. To conduct course of therapy may decrease up to 8cm.

2. Mud or seaweed wraps that include kaolin or algae.

Should be performed 2-3 times a week. Wraps reduce body fat, eliminate cellulite, nourish the skin, giving it elasticity. One session takes up to 2 cm in the waist, and the course enhances the effect of up to 6 cm and stores it for a long time. For a stable result to repeat will do every 3-4 months.
Algae contain an enzyme that reduces local fat deposits. Also, they include minerals and vitamins: magnesium, selenium, silicon, iodine. They enhance the overall immunity of the body, and remove stagnant fluids from the body and remove puffiness.

Kaolin or white clay deeply cleanses the skin, restores collagen fibers, have a bleaching effect and removes the flaking of the epidermis. A good antiseptic is suitable for any skin, has a mild, but effective impact and therefore is so popular.

3. Bandage wraps T-Shock.

The point is that a bandage impregnated with an active saline solution and applied over the entire body. It is known that the salt draws out excess fluid, thus cleansing the body of toxins. Previously the client skin smeared with a special gel, which is composed of more than 30 herbs. After all the machinations of man looks like a mummy before burial. But what effect! After only one session, which lasts 40 minutes, you can lose up to 5 cm in the amount of each thigh. This procedure is done as a single, for example, before wedding and red carpet, and course – 1-2 times a week.

3. Hardware cosmetology

Who makes: the singer and presenter Olga Buzova, former participant of “House-2” Eugene Feofilaktova

10 эффективных способов: как худеют Шейк, Бузова и Водонаева

Cosmetic procedures in the literal sense reached its peak of popularity. Sentences so much that any girl can find something for themselves. Let’s consider the most common methods by which you not only improve skin tone, and your health in General. The most popular procedure is a vacuum, which makes the apparatus FullSkin. This unit not only aimed at correcting the figures, but he has a complex effect on the whole body and relieves spasms of the blood vessels. As today our lives are full of stress and because of them the whole body suffers, just removing the strain of internal organs, blood vessels will lead to normal functioning of the body. In the end stabiliziruemost production of collagen and elastin, essential for skin elasticity, normalizes the metabolism, so we won’t gain weight, and if it is, we will start to get rid of it. In exchange application of the apparatus will be burned up fat cells, tissues are oxygenated, recover the correct tissue nutrition, which will lead not to a temporary elimination of cellulite and its treatment.

A course of 10-15 treatments will help you to lose 3-7 cm, you are sure to lose a few sizes in clothes. Need to do the course of 10-30 procedures 2-3 times a week.

10 эффективных способов: как худеют Шейк, Бузова и Водонаева

Another popular method of body reshaping – muscle toning when body fat will be broken under the influence of current pulses. Spanish Bodyter apparatus has no analogues on the market. Literally 5 procedures restores skin tone, decrease the volume, “come to life” muscles. And for those who want to have beautiful abs, this device is simply irreplaceable. It pumps white muscle and forms a raised body. Course: 8-10 procedures 2-3 times a week.

The third method of cryolipolysis. This procedure is carried out on the machine Cry-O. On the problem areas overlap special plate that will cool the skin. Thanks to the “smart” system, the unit for 30 minutes to cool subcutaneous adipose tissue to -5 degrees. This is the temperature at which the cell dies and never recovers. That is, the fat is gone forever! Over a course of 6 treatments can remove up to 10 cm in volume and lose 2 to 7 kg. Rate: 1-6 treatments 1 every 2 weeks.

4. Massage

Who makes: designer Oksana Fedorova, host Alena Vodonaeva

10 эффективных способов: как худеют Шейк, Бузова и Водонаева

During the massage can not only relax, but also to lose weight. It is conventionally divided into lymphatic drainage (getting rid of toxins, edema, and weight loss), classical (human performance enhancement), and anti-cellulite. To achieve good effect, it is necessary to take a course of 10-15 procedures 2-3 times a week. Do not forget to monitor the nutrition and calories. I recommend sports.

5. Detoxification

Who makes: a leading Marika Kravtsova

10 эффективных способов: как худеют Шейк, Бузова и Водонаева

The word “detoxification” comes from the medicine and designates the excretion of foreign substances with the help of drugs. Over time, this developed into a nutrition and easier name “detox”. Is the Golden mean between starvation and fasting, when we consciously restrict ourselves in food, to start the process of autophagy (purified cells from old proteins and metabolic products). This method like Marika Kravtsova, which even invented its own line of detox drinks. In three days you can lose up to 5 pounds.

6. Running in the morning

Who make: model Natalia Vodianova and Irina Shayk

10 эффективных способов: как худеют Шейк, Бузова и Водонаева

One need only look at the perfect figure of Natalia and Irina, so once it becomes clear that running has miraculous powers. However, this form of exercise needs to become a habit. Otherwise, the effect will be. So some will have to deal with their own laziness.

10 эффективных способов: как худеют Шейк, Бузова и Водонаева

There are a number of arguments that can convince any skeptic to spend the morning extra 30 minutes to run. First, Jogging on an empty stomach burns 30% more calories. This is due to the shortage of energy during the night. Your body will need fuel and in the course of going those extra fats. Second, physical activity is “overclocking” your metabolism to the maximum for the day. Third, a powerful release of hormones will provide a good mood. So some pros!

7. A walk in the evening

Who does it: actress Anne Hathaway

10 эффективных способов: как худеют Шейк, Бузова и Водонаева

In the evening after work only the most strong-willed people are able to force myself to go to the gym and that is admirable. And what about the rest? On the streets of new York is no surprise walking around in casual clothes and sneakers the stars. For example, recently became a mom Irina Shayk walks a lot with my daughter. And often you can see the actress Anne Hathaway. Hiking is the easiest and most affordable way of physical activity. Walking is a great benefit to our body and it concerns not only body, but also your emotional state. Intensive blood moves through the vessels and enriches the system with oxygen. It is worth Recalling that it is useful for the cardiovascular system and helps lower cholesterol. Such trips make our digestion work better and faster, while strengthening the muscular system. All the ladies will be interested to know that walking slows down the aging process and is an excellent antidepressant.

8. Water and nothing but her

Who makes: host Alena Vodonaeva

10 эффективных способов: как худеют Шейк, Бузова и Водонаева

That the day should drink about 2 liters of fluid, everyone knows, but in what other benefits it brings, we’ll see. It is clear that during exercise the demand for the drink increases. For every hour of exercise you need to consume up to one liter. If you drink a glass of water before a meal, the stomach begins to work faster. Also miracle liquid will help to recognize false hunger. Because quite often we confuse thirst with desire to eat. And some nutritionists believe that if coffee and tea can replace water, you can not only lose weight but also to effectively clean the body. By the way, the former wife of Andrew Giulana, actress Diana ochilova that way and dropped almost 15 kg.

9. Diet

Who makes: a leading Ksenia Borodina

10 эффективных способов: как худеют Шейк, Бузова и Водонаева

We should not rush into this without thinking it through. Still of the opinion that if sharply to limit themselves in carbohydrates and fats, the weight will decline and the cherished 90-60-90 will not keep you waiting. It’s true, but we should remember that the body is a clever mechanism. As soon as we allow ourselves some potatoes, he, mindful of hungry time, extra will start to stock: that is, calories do not turn into energy, and will settle in unwanted places. Therefore, the most effective diet is well-balanced diet, which subsequently has become a way of life. It maintains and restores health by giving the body all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

In the diet you can also add dishes that take the edge off the desire to eat some fast food. For example, people want soda, not because of the need for carbohydrates. The problem is the lack of calcium, which can easily be filled with dairy products. TV presenter Ksenia Borodina not once said that the secret of her slim figure lies in the constant work, proper nutrition and moderate restrictions in food.

An example of proper nutrition for one day:

BREAKFAST: Yogurt, vegetable salad

SNACK: Apple

LUNCH: Soup vegetables no potatoes, roasted meat, still water

DINNER: Poached salmon, brown rice, unsweetened Moorewith

10. A positive attitude

Blogger ILSA Starling

According to psychologists, all our problems come from the head. And rightly so. The body is programmed in such a way that it makes a good and happy only those things that benefit him. Lose weight for your health is easier than trying to lose weight for an event. Need to motivate myself that I really need, and avoid such thoughts as “one piece of cake will be nothing.” A great way is self-hypnosis. Write a list of foods consisting of salads, cereals, seafood, fruits, vegetables… read it every day. In two weeks you with a light heart will pass by shelves with harmful carbohydrates such as cookies, chips, muffins, etc. we should Not forget about loving yourself – the key to all the changes, both external and internal.”