Юная леди: певица Жасмин поразила снимком без макияжа
Star without makeup looks 15 years younger.

Photo: Instagram

Last fall, the singer Jasmine turned 40, Yes only it is a little hard to believe! Especially when you see a star without makeup. It is no secret that bright make-up visually makes a woman over, and painted Jasmine only begins to approach its true age.

Today the singer for a couple of days off to Spain. Since the flight was early, the morning star without makeup at all. Just washed my face and applied moisturizer. By the way, this might be an unnecessary means of disguise. Because Jasmine without makeup not to know! It becomes less bright, but unless someone can recognize that this is a maximum of 25-year-old girl is the real star of show business and a mother?

Meanwhile, there is nothing surprising. Because Jasmine is very carefully caring for your skin and it pays a lot of time and money.

“First thing in the morning wash the skin, wipe the skin tonic or lotion, apply the cream, and only then — make-up — said Jasmine in an interview with “7 Days”. In the evening cleanse the face with special means, and again wipe tonic or lotion, and then moisturize your skin cream and make a light pressure point massage with fingertips. Twice a week at home doing a hydrating mask for the face and superficial peeling delicious-smelling scrub. As for more serious treatment — deep exfoliation and other treatments — I trust the expert. I have my own beautician, proven over the years. Several times a month she comes to my house. In Russia in the salons I visit infrequently. But when I’m on vacation in Asia, always try to look at local day spas. As for the body, everyday after shower I make sure to moisturize the skin creams. Someone lazy, someone time is not enough, and I think a few minutes of this pleasant procedure, you can always find. Even if you are loaded by Affairs from morning to night. Just need to do for themselves the same rule, like brushing your teeth twice a day. Then you all will be rewarded — the skin will look young and beautiful. Such care is especially important in the winter when the air dried due to heating working. Still from time to time I go massage once in 2-3 months”.