Жена Дениса Клявера была шокирована известием о его внебрачной дочери The singer did not hide from his wife’s affair with Eva Polna. Irina Klyaver admitted that the news about the child of Denis from the soloist of group “visitors from the future” was a real shock. The young woman needed time to realize it and Wake up.

      Жена Дениса Клявера была шокирована известием о его внебрачной дочери

      The famous singer Denis Klyaver and his third wife Irina for more than ten years are happy together, almost seven of which are married. The couple has a son Daniel, who is three and a half years.

      In “million dollar Secret”, the hero of which was Denis Klyaver, his wife Irina remembered what emotions were experienced when the future husband confessed to her that he has a illegitimate daughter from a relationship with the singer Eva Polna. It happened at the very beginning of the novel of Irina and Denis.

      Жена Дениса Клявера была шокирована известием о его внебрачной дочери“For me it was a real shock to learn that Denis has a child from a famous singer, – admitted Irina Klyaver. – I needed time to realize it and Wake up. I don’t have high self-esteem and knew perfectly well that Eva Polna is a star and I’m just a girl. And meeting with Denis, I thought we were having an affair a couple of months. Play and disperse”.

      However, they all came together, and the marriage of Irina and Denis Klyaver is considered one of the highest in the Russian show business. Third wife of the ex-soloist of group “Tea together” knows all about the old passions of her husband, she is familiar with his second wife Julia, maintains friendly relations with Eva Polna, women even congratulate each other happy birthday.

      We will remind, passionate and brief affair of Denis Klyaver and eve Polna ended with the birth of their daughter Evelyn in 2005. The musicians have kept their relationship secret from the public, disclosing the fact that they have kids together in 2012. Then the girl went to first grade, and her parents visited a school ruler. Illegitimate children of famous fathers: what are their relationships with their parents

      By the way, Irina Klyaver has a grown daughter from his first marriage. Anastasia more than twenty years, and she has a wonderful relationship with her stepfather. She admits that when she found out about the affair mom with Denis Klyaver, come to a real delight. She was a fan of “Tea for two” and even in my wildest dreams could not imagine that will be drinking tea along with a soloist team and discuss the most critical issues.


      “Denis is a wonderful father and husband. Very caring. However, there were also punctures for eleven years, laughing, said Irina Klyaver. – Last year, for example, I teased him because he gave me flowers on a decade of marriage. But I’m not jealous, and one hundred percent sure that he is faithful to me”.