Кто и зачем устроил скандал вокруг номера Навки и Бурковского

Room one of the brightest pairs in the show “Ice age” became the most discussed topic not only in Russia but also abroad.

In the episode “Ice age”, devoted to world cinema, the Olympic champion and the wife of the press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov, Tatiana Navka with her partner actor Andrew Borkowski showed on the ice the plot of the movie “Life is beautiful”. But, to her surprise, the room was heavily criticized in the media.

In the movie “Life is beautiful” 1997, recall, tells about the events of the Second world war, when a German concentration camp hits the father with a small child. And in order that the boy wasn’t worried, the man assures him that everything is a game for which the winner will receive the main prize – a tank. In the end, he incorrectly puts the baby words of the soldiers asks him not to believe what he is told surrounding the prisoners, and he always smiles and laughs…

Something similar has embodied on stage and Navka Borkowski. Thus they considered his speech one of the best, as reported by its subscribers in the social network.

“You must see it! One of my favorite rooms! Based on one of my favorite movies “Life is beautiful”! Show this movie to my kids, definitely. Our children need to know and remember about that terrible time, which, I hope, God willing, they’ll never know!” – posted by Tatiana Navka in the microblog.

But who would have thought that the next day it will fall a wave of criticism. Internet users, forgetting about the plot of the picture “Life is beautiful”, accused her that she laughed at the terrible time, which had to go through civilians. Moreover, the authoritative Western edition of the Daily Mail released an article in which journalists issued a sharp message bloggers with an appeal to Vladimir Putin that the Russian President drew attention to how the creators of the show on the First channel “have made a mockery of the Holocaust.”

Meanwhile, coach Navka and Ilya Averbukh Bourkovski suggested that such increased attention to their room due to the fact that the project involved the wife of the press Secretary of the President of Russia.

“In the previous program we had a terrific room Catherine Barnabas – Armenian lullabies, too, about the tragic events. But nobody noticed, apparently, because not Tatiana Navka has been performed, – said Ilya Averbukh, according to the website “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. — The theme of this programme of world cinema. Each pair illustrated a particular film. Story when parents try to protect their child, drawing him to another world, makes you feel the tragedy even more, becomes even harder. And we talk about it. I have a feeling that people did not see neither the room nor the film. I saw the photo of smiling people in uniforms, and made some ridiculous conclusions from tastelessness, ignorance, ignorance. Perhaps, only these words come to mind when you get this kind of reaction.”