За что Леонид Утесов обиделся на режиссера «Веселых ребят»
The singer chose to tell this story.

Leonid Utesov

Photo: still from the film “the Fun guys”

Thanks to the memoirs of film critic and writer Gleb Skorokhodov became known why Leonid Cliffs did not like to remember the film “Jolly fellows”.

“I was a frequent guest in the house of Utesov — shared Skorokhodov. — This may sound strange, but I found that the great actor is quite a lot of free time. You know, Leonid Osipovich has personally viewed all who came to him from the audience mail and a letter and answered… anyway, the Cliffs, probably, have felt the need to tell you about myself. And he advised me to write him all that he remembers.

Until then, while not a “Jolly fellows”, Utesov few people knew in person. But, oddly enough, about this Comedy by Leonid Osipovich to say didn’t love. As it turned out, he has a grudge against the film’s Director Grigory Alexandrov. One of the reasons that secret from Utesov the Director of the picture was removed from the third material, after which the role of Leonid Osipovich was not home. The main Anyuta was performed by Lyubov Orlova. Not surprisingly, Orlova and Alexandrov get all the credit for the picture he received the order of the red Star, and Orlova — the title of honored artist of the RSFSR. About Utesova when signing documents for awards Stalin didn’t even remember he got the only camera in the lake. Leonid Osipovich over the years, only exalted his woes this offense.

But other stories Cliffs shared with pleasure. For example, such. “I once read an article in the newspaper as the famous Caruso came to the Bank to get money without documents, — smiling, told the singer. — He sang only one Opera a phrase and it immediately recognized, given the money… so I decided to try that. I was then in Kremenchug. And was just expecting a remittance by a small amount. I go to a mail, hear simply: “Your passport, please!” Then I smiled and in a loud voice started: “Raski-and-sea came back Shiro-Oh-Ko-Oh!” — “Citizen! Stop the bullying! I now call the police!” And then I realized that, in the words of comrade Bender, this is not Rio de Janeiro…”

All the material read here>>

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