Что такое полиморфус?

Often when visiting construction markets or shops,involuntarily recall the times of General scarcity, when the materials were available only in nails, sand and cement.Although the purchase of cement sometimes required the presence of a small pull. About the availability of finishing materials at the time, generally better not to remember. Another thing is now there is everything from budget options to luxury frills.

Что такое полиморфус?

Here’s an example recently at all was found such a unique thing, which can be used in construction and decoration, and auto repair. In General, as one would say in the times mentioned above, finding application practically in all branches of national economy. Called this miracle thing — polymorphus.So where and how to use it, and generally what is polymorphous?

It is an innovative form of plastic, which has appeared relatively recently and are very strongly reminiscent of the familiar to all from childhood plain clay. Unlike the clay at a higher temperature heating, and at cooling almost complete resistance to any deformations. Polymorphous, or how it is called self-hardening thermoplastic, placed in ordinary water heated to approximately 65 degrees Celsius acquires high plasticity. It could be just with your hands or using simple equipment and tools.

Что такое полиморфус?

Freezing product gets the highest strength, what would it change or modify, just to again put it in warm water.This material is primarily marketed as a plastic for creativity. And here are the things made from it can be limited only by your imagination.

Sold by polymorphus in jars in the form of almost colorless granules.Packed in 150 gram, price of these banks is about 550 rubles.Packing weights 300 grams will have to pay about one thousand rubles.And finally the biggest Bank weighing 850 grams will cost about 2500 rubles.

The following form of sale, it is a combined packaging,which consists of the following set — polymorphus 50 grams + 0.5 grams of dye. Dyes come in five colors — black, red, yellow, blue and green.Regardless of the color of such a package will cost about 295-300 rubles.

Что такое полиморфус?

Dyes of the above colors can be purchased separately.Packaged in 5 grams.The estimated price for the dye, regardless of color, will be about 145-150 rubles.

Что такое полиморфус?

How to prepare, baltmorput to work?

This is enough for a handful of pellets to fill in any capacity with hot water, preferably with a temperature close to boiling.

Under the influence of temperature, the plastic becomes completely colorless and is converted into a homogeneous mass.

Что такое полиморфус?

To get it from the container best with a fork or chopsticks for sushi that would not burn.In this case the danger is only hot water.

Что такое полиморфус?

He polymorphus has a very low conductivity, due to this property to work with bare hands without the fear of getting any injuries.

Что такое полиморфус?

Now, with material you can do anything. If he stood before you finished the job.Want to make some changes in the finished product it is enough to just re-heated it in the water. After complete solidification, polymorphous becomes very hard and durable, thus practically not subject to deformation or damage due to physical impacts.

Where in addition to the creativity you can apply, polymorphous?

Yes, almost everywhere.Especially essential this carrying out small urgent repairs, such as insulation and electrical wires, or making the tightness of pipes of water supply or heating. It is very easy to create handles for different tools.

And can be used in such creative ways.