Летучая извинилась за Романовскую и испорченную свадьбу

Since Elena Letuchaya gave way leading to “Revizorro” Olga Romanov, the fans beg her to come back. Continue to watch it, say every bobble “black” Lena and complain in social networks. At one point, Volatile decided to explain all the nuances of relationships with Romanov.

The presenter made a permanent videorobert that answers the questions of fans. The new issue is almost completely dedicated to the new leading Olga Romanov. Fans wondered how Lena admitted that the program was led by a girl who, in their opinion, does not even know how to speak coherently.

“I have said a hundred times, do not see the Olga Romanov leading, I see now. But choosing not only I,” replied Bat.

About Olga Lena just filled up with questions. Not checks, he says. Even accused the former soloist of “VIA gra”, which is the overly sexy dresses. It is unacceptable for programs that children watch. Asked to Bat affect the appearance the leading.

“I don’t know what the issue is now revealed, but I was influenced by – now her long skirts-pencils, – said Lena. But above all, Olga is my producer, whom you can Express your wishes. I do individual direction of transmission and are not related to what the team does Romanov, these questions are not for me. But if Olga need help or advice, I am always around, she can always turn to me”.

Followed by a question about ripped in Chelyabinsk wedding. Recall, the host rushed into the hall, where he celebrated a triumph, shouting that guests are fed poor quality food, which is prepared in unsanitary conditions. The fact that the food ordered at another restaurant, the Romanov ignored. The couple decided that the wedding they messed up, and even demanded to compensate moral harm.

“In “Revizorro” I had a clear Directive: any occasion is inviolable, we are not spoiling our people. If we saw that in a cafe to celebrate, then turns and walks away in any case. I don’t know why Olga did it, I think that to spoil the triumph of the people. Dear Chelyabinsk, I apologize for leading Olga to Romanovsk, young, green, didn’t understand what he was doing. Because “Revizorro” still applies to me, I apologize for new leadership”.

And though the presenter does not like questions about personal, asked about her upcoming wedding and is it true that she ordered a wedding dress like the Princess of Cambridge. Lena answered evasively: “the Wedding, maybe in may, maybe in June, maybe in July. It’s not that I want a dress like Kate Middleton. The dress I already bought. And it is not”.

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