Владимиру Меньшову приписали внебрачного ребенка
The actor is unhappy that critics spread about his personal life gossip.

Vladimir Menshov and Vera Alentova


Vladimir Menshov has over 50 years of happy marriage with Vera Alentova. Star wife are for many couples a guide and role model. Because fans perceived “hostility” spread a couple of years ago rumors that Vladimir Valentinovich supposedly has an illegitimate son. In the media, “walking” the information about the change Menshova with a friend his dearest half…

Menshov did not deem it then necessary to comment on gossip that the views he holds now. During an interview for the show Boris Korchevnikov “man’s Fate” Vladimir Valentinovich has made it clear: the news that the son of Lyudmila TUEV Alexander, his heir presumptive — fiction of no importance.

“It starts the evening of great discoveries, Yes? My son Alexander – who told you? Aunt Valya? Express, well… I have No son, Alexander, really, not even worth… It’s kind of nonsense, believe me. She told me this nonsense. So lyapni, and then will walk in the Internet that Menchov abandons his son”, — said Menchov.

Vladimir Valentinovich admits that the recipe of family happiness is simple. In order to live life with one person, we must learn to accept him the way he is. We should not try to remake the beloved, but to love it in its original form. Then, according to the artist, will be able to avoid conflicts in the family.

“First, we need love. Over the years, it is modified, but should be the first impulse of a sincere and great love. Secondly, you need patience, ability to forgive each other is very important. We have long been engaged in the alteration, and it lies in our Russian mentality. This is wrong, you need to accept the person such what he is, and love for it,” — said Menchov.