Владимир Машков освоил дирижерское искусство
The actor made every effort to for a month to learn how to conduct a military band.

Владимир Машков освоил дирижерское искусство

Vladimir Mashkov in the role of conductor of a military band

Photo: NTV

The actor made every effort to for a month to learn how to conduct a military band. Under the supervision of the chief of the orchestra of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation Sergey Mashkov Dorigine learned all the intricacies of one of the most complex musical professions. And all this for a new role in a new serial of NTV “Anniversary counter” Vladimir will play the Director of the music company, remaining to protect the inhabitants of a remote village.

Vladimir Mashkov

Photo: NTV

The action takes place in 1991, when Soviet citizens anxiously monitored the situation in Central Asia. The shooting took place in Uzbekistan near a picturesque lake. Mashkov its tradition is fully dedicated to the project. For the duration of work in painting it up with them settled near a film set.