ВИДЕО: младший сын Плющенко отправился на Мальдивы готовиться к соревнованиям по фигурному катанию
Alexander can’t miss training in figure skating even in the heavenly Islands.

Evgeni Plushenko with his sons Egor and Alexander and wife Yana Rudkovskaya

Evgeni Plushenko wife Yana Rudkovskaya and sons
Junior — and senior Sasha — Elisha — went to the Maldives. Last time
Egor, born in the first marriage of the athlete, often staying with his father, which is not
overjoyed fans of the skater in the memory of which still alive the conflict between the first
wife Plushenko and his family. Apparently, the hatchet between the two families buried

The Maldives is ready ???

A post shared by Dwarf Gnomic (A. Plushenko) (@gnomgnomych) on Mar 11, 2018 at 7:58am PDT

Bask under the warm rays of the southern sun and swim in
ocean family will be about two weeks. The fans immediately raised the question: how
preparation for first competition Sasha’s skating? After all
they will take place on the 20th of April! It turned out, despite the rest, to take time off from
training five-year athlete will not work.

Specifically in order to
Sasha is accustomed to daily exercise, was able to continue them and the sea, Jan and
Eugene chose the most expensive hotel in the country located on a tropical
the island of Bolifushi. It was there to the delight of tourists has opened the first in that tropical
country ice-skating rink.

Dear,my competitive program ,which I will roll April 20 at first your competition “Crazy?” Thank you to all the spectators in Nizhny Novgorod for your support , 2 more months will be to roll and harder, and while part 1 ) Please do not judge strictly , I’m a little over a month ago, only 5 years old ?? ? to be continued part 2 and 3

A post shared by Dwarf Gnomic (A. Plushenko) (@gnomgnomych) on Feb 26, 2018 at 9:13am PST