ВИДЕО: благодаря жене у Юрия Жиркова появился танк!
Famous football player celebrated the 34-letie.

ВИДЕО: благодаря жене у Юрия Жиркова появился танк!

The player Petersburg “Zenith” and Russian national Team Yury Zhirkov said
34th birthday. A player who traditionally does not celebrate this day,
was at the center of a surprise organised by his wife, the owner of Studio Inna

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ВИДЕО: благодаря жене у Юрия Жиркова появился танк!

“George is not one to celebrate a birthday, so I decided
arrange a romantic evening, but with a surprise, — said Inna. We
came to the restaurant, the hall was closed specifically for us on the table was wine, candles,
played the saxophone.

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ВИДЕО: благодаря жене у Юрия Жиркова появился танк!

But in the most unexpected moment from the next room appeared
our close friends, with balloons, fireworks and congratulations. Yura was in shock,
but his eyes glowed with happiness! With friends, of course, I agreed in advance.”

ВИДЕО: благодаря жене у Юрия Жиркова появился танк!

Fans are well aware that the player is Zhirkov
a notable collector of military subjects, so the birthday Inna
presented him with the tank… though edible, cake.

ВИДЕО: благодаря жене у Юрия Жиркова появился танк!

“A cake in the shape of the T-34 produced some days, I really
I wanted to surprise her husband and judging by his reaction, it really was a surprise — Inna told.
The man even wanted to take him to a military Museum.”

ВИДЕО: благодаря жене у Юрия Жиркова появился танк!

To congratulate Yuri Zhirkov from 34th anniversary came close friends family
Alexander Kokorin, Branislav Ivanovic with his wife Natalia, Ivan Novoseltsev with
wife Katherine, the couple Torbinski and others.