ВИДЕО: Звезда проекта «Лучше всех» начал шахматную карьеру в два года
The mother of the young grandmaster Misha Osipov told how to raise a champion.

Mom of 3-year-old Misha Osipov,
fight chess with Anatoly Karpov on the First channel show “the best”,
she told me how she has a son.

ВИДЕО: Звезда проекта «Лучше всех» начал шахматную карьеру в два года

Maxim Galkin was shocked by the abilities of Misha.

Photo: the First channel

Speech little Misha
Osipova, who bravely entered into an unequal battle with the 12th world champion
chess Anatoly Karpov and touched the hearts of viewers of the First channel. Video
record chess famous grandmaster and toddler, who
says something is no matter is gaining
a greater number of hits.

ВИДЕО: Звезда проекта «Лучше всех» начал шахматную карьеру в два года

Misha Osipov

Photo: the First channel

Three-year-old chess player Mikhail Osipov
the scene was calm and collected, and only in the
the end, defeated by time, failed to hold back the tears. Some
users of social networks, angrily shouted: “Do Karpov was hard to resist
and lose the child?” This mother of Misha Ksenia wisely replied, “Anatoly Karpov
had to give in in any case! What is it then for GM,
which lose 3-year-old chess player? It would be quite wrong, and
for Misha, too, is absolutely not helpful. And had an even greater incentive
to play chess, now he also wants to become a grandmaster”.

Three-year-old chess player Mikhail Osipov on the stage were calm and collected

Photo: the First channel

Ksenia said that
chess Misha became interested a year ago, when I saw dad playing with grandpa.
First, the parents worked with her son at home
independently and 2.8 took him to the coach. “Recently, the son was addicted to online chess, — said Xenia. — Mike underwhelming
the opportunity to play with some player from Malaysia, for example.”