ВИДЕО: Анфиса Чехова устроила сыну грандиозный сюприз ко дню рождения
Solomon was five years old.


10 hours

ВИДЕО: Анфиса Чехова устроила сыну грандиозный сюприз ко дню рождения

ВИДЕО: Анфиса Чехова устроила сыну грандиозный сюприз ко дню рождения

Guerrilla training from @achekhova and I dryhouse Leader???????????????????????

Anfisa Chekhov with her husband Guram Bablishvili
this morning did a real espionage operation. They used all their imagination for the sake of the beloved
son Solomon, who is now five years old. Below
to prepare a Grand surprise for the boy’s birthday, parents got up before dawn,
ordered jewelry, beads, and dressed in the middle of the room established the first
serious transport Solomon four — wheeled bike.

When the birthday boy woke up, his delight knew no bounds.
Happy were parents, because they brilliantly managed to pull that off —
to please Solomon. For this reason and Anfisa and Guram published incredibly
touching videos in their microblogs.

“The child, for the great joy we need so little — just a room full of balls — says Anfisa. —
Brought them home at 7 in the morning, quietly
brought, that would not Wake the birthday boy, and quietly to make a mountain of balls
I tell you, just from the series “obvious-improbable” So we
another whole month of entertainment! friends call fun balloons to pop!”


10 hours

ВИДЕО: Анфиса Чехова устроила сыну грандиозный сюприз ко дню рождения

Happy birthday to our most loved Bunny in the world! Solik, as well, that you have born! You’re the best dad @gurambablishvili created on this planet! ?? #solik_video #солику5лет