ВИДЕО: Анфиса Чехова смонтировала дома детский скалодром
TV presenter shared with fans of good news.

Photo: @achekhova (Instagram Anfisa Chekhova)

Anfisa Chekhova shared with fans joyful
news. Her beloved son — a five-year Solomon — it is now possible
every day to do an intensive sports training, not leaving the apartment. The presenter made a special fixation in the nursery, changing
all of the furniture.

“Morning, we have Saul starts with a warm-up! And all
because now he’s in the nursery there is a sports area, — says
star. When I conceived to make repairs in his room, I began to look for
a furniture company that will be able to do it standing up, moving
nursery. As a result I found and fell in love with their interiors! Little
the fact that the beds of all formations, and houses and huts, and above and below, so also
such cool sports parts they do!”

Subscribers microblog Chekhova, where she
released a video showing child Solika, praised her for her development
boy, but was horrified one detail present in the bedroom, namely
the conditioning, which is located almost in the toddler bed. However, all
fans have unanimously decided that air-conditioning Chekhov simply does not have time
outweigh the other wall and will soon decide the issue.