Виктория Бекхэм раскрыла два секретных ингредиента своей диеты
The wife of the famous footballer said that helping her skin stay smooth and elastic.

Victoria Beckham

Photo: Fotodom.ru

Victoria Beckham, famous for its
super-slim figure, not just telling that the lack of excess
kilograms is not a windfall, but the result of constant work on oneself. A celebrity known as the convinced supporter of healthy
lifestyle. She hardly eats meat regularly consume fish, trying to keep her diet as much as possible vegetables and fruits. Even in your
birthday she doesn’t allow themselves to eat the birthday cake. As told to star in your own personal holiday instead of pastry
products she puts on the table a big plate of assorted berries.

However, until recently the wife of the famous footballer is not
talked about two very important secret ingredients that help it to maintain youth and beauty. It turns out that Beckham regularly
uses pollen. “Of course, you can laugh at me, but there are a lot of nutrients, 12 vitamins, 28 minerals and 22 valuable
amino acids. You might think I’m crazy, but it helps me
to maintain smooth skin without wrinkles. And for that, I’ll try anything!” —
she said.

As for the second, no less important beauty secret Victoria, she eats as a snack between
meals seed mixture, lightly sprinkle organic
substitute for soy sauce. Interestingly, Beckham not only adheres to itself
it has selected principles of nutrition, but also feeds in accordance with them their children. But food from McDonald’s or “harmful”
sweets in her house is simply impossible to imagine.