«ВИА ГРА» впервые выступила в новом составе на фестивале «Маёвка лайф»
On the “Music First” hosted a stream of the celebration in Sokolniki.

«ВИА ГРА» впервые выступила в новом составе на фестивале «Маёвка лайф»


The group “VIA GRA”, the participants which regularly replace one another,
first performed in new composition at the festival of young greatest hits “may day
life”. His fourth time holds the channel “Music First”, included in
“Digital Telecomando”, with the support of the Russian Union of Youth. This year
a Grand celebration took place in Moscow’s Sokolniki Park.

«ВИА ГРА» впервые выступила в новом составе на фестивале «Маёвка лайф»

Elena Temnikova

In different years on the stage “May day” their new hits for the first time
was represented by Elena Temnikova, Olga Buzova, MBAND, SEREBRO, Claudia Coca, Oleg
Miami and Elvira T, and the group MBAND and Kravtsov have not missed a single “May day”.
According to tradition, each year the festival unites participants of the international
music contest “Eurovision” with the new and already famous hits.
Star guests became Kristian Kostov, Alekseev, SEREBRO, Alex


This year the guests were waiting for the hurricane live sound and special
the atmosphere provided, including the super popular
artists-bloggers, successfully debuted on the big stage with a trendy
tracks — IDA Galich, Marie Senn and Gary, Nikita Chrysostom, and Timokhov, and
present spring mood with bright leading channel “Music First”.
For the first time on the stage of “may day Live” the group has made in its new composition,
and their new tracks introduced Julia Parshuta, Pizza, Alekseev, ST,