Вера Брежнева взволнована судьбой других женщин
The singer continues his mission as goodwill Ambassador of the UN.

Вера Брежнева взволнована судьбой других женщин

Vera Brezhnev

Photo: Philip Goncharov

In your chart, Vera Brezhneva for the second year there is a special
the item “participation in the activities of the UN.” As an Ambassador of good will from this
world organization singer supports women living with HIV in the countries
Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Last week, Brezhnev was one of
special guests of the V international conference on HIV/AIDS held
in Moscow. Experience how to tell you about this mission in leading media,
including the magazine “7 days”, the singer shared at a special conference.

Faith admits that a year and a half ago when she
proposed to support the UN program, she knew about HIV only
hearsay. But now she may have not only psychological support
infected women who are exposed to violence in families and in society, but
even to advise regarding early diagnosis of this disease.
Brezhnev supported the emergence of affordable tests for HIV infection in
example of pregnancy tests that you can buy in any pharmacy. But
assures that full assistance can be provided only by the specialists, including
the number and psychologists.

“Meetings with women living with this problem, in Yerevan,
Tashkent, Kiev and Moscow convinced me that I really can help them, —
told Vera Brezhnev in an interview with the magazine “7 days”. — You can not even imagine
what different complex the fate of these women! Painful to hear, when they
begin to talk about how they turned away from the closest relatives,
friends. Many were accused of dissolute lifestyle, although almost all infected
own husbands or beloved men. Even worse is not a disease that struck them,
and alienation. When they, as normal people feel like outcasts.
Alas, not in my power to cure them. But it is important, when you can just be there
to talk, to support, to smile, take their hand, hug”.

Brezhnev said at the conference that discusses the topic of HIV and
in his family, with his eldest daughter Sonya. Mother Angelica, Tamara Vitalievna
Galushka also supports the work of his daughter as a goodwill Ambassador of the UN.
Though not hide the fact that he was initially surprised by this choice: “But I know
my daughter, for her is something like the 14th floor, the height of which
she stood the child on the railing. Vera explained to me that this theme in our
the country generally closed, about it I’m afraid to say, and these poor women are afraid
to live, become pariahs. But it’s wrong! I am a medical doctor by education and I know
I’m talking about. For some reason we are not afraid to go down into the subway in the midst of the epidemic
flu and not afraid of a man who sneezes in our direction, and then
sick for months and we infect everyone around. And the man who can pass
virus, roughly speaking, only in bed, we are afraid of. I specifically found
on the Internet video performances of Faith in the UN. And I realized that her words no one
wrote specifically, they were from her heart. I was very proud of my daughter.”

Vera Brezhnev with the participants of the V international conference on HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Photo: Philip Goncharov

In the Moscow conference was attended by representatives
different regions of Russia and also from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and other
countries. Some of these women of Faith had already met personally before and knows them
history, full of drama and overcome it. “Most importantly, we want to do
is to change attitudes to HIV. — said Vera Brezhneva. —
If a person has a positive status, he receives therapy and leads
healthy lifestyle, life quality and duration, not
differs from the lives of healthy people. But in order to know the status, you need
go and get tested”. By the way, a few months ago, Faith first
set an example and she too was tested for HIV.

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