Вера Брежнева стала участницей международного скандала
36-year-old singer Vera Brezhnev became an unwitting party to the dispute in a private Instagram.

Вера Брежнева стала участницей международного скандала

Moreover the faith to the wound that it has ceased to be Patriotic towards his native country.

Вера Брежнева стала участницей международного скандала

And the thing is that yesterday Brezhnev admitted that Italy became her home as:

“Do you have a favorite place where you feel at home? My – Italy.”

writes Faith in the blog.

Вера Брежнева стала участницей международного скандала

“I thought you were a true patriot who believes home Ukraine”

writes unhappy following the review.

Sad to think that people really have such a narrow and inferior mind.

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