Валерия Ланская с пониманием отнеслась к разводу своих родителей
Recently, a famous actress Valeria Lanskaya spoke with Kira proshutinskaya in the program “Wife. Love story” and frankly answered her questions.

Валерия Ланская с пониманием отнеслась к разводу своих родителей

The actress admitted that she can relate to the divorce of their parents, as they are all properly presented and explained what was happening.

“For me, the breakup wasn’t big psychological trauma, as is the case with children. They are somehow right to me told, what so will be better for everyone. And I still believe that it is better to see your parents separate but happy than together but in constant conflict,” said Lansky.

It should be noted that the marriage of the parents of the actress have broken up due to the fact that her mother loved another man, but with her new husband of her that Valeria was unable to find a common language.

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