Ургант и Нагиев превратились в белок

The first channel has created a series of rollers, in which the furry animals are known to copy the leading.

Now in our server. viewers do not see familiar faces and their furry counterparts. That is, the squirrel Rose Sabitova in the glasses, just like the leading squirrel Andrei Malakhov, razlamawer fighting tailed beasts in the air “Tonight.”

One of the protein pulls the gate of a knitted sweater from spectators and otstegat it with the scissors. Guessed who it is? Of course Elena Malysheva! The other, his eyes hidden behind black glasses and the neck wound beads, announces into a microphone voice Nagiyev: “You’re on the project!” The third was wearing a bow tie and a big clock, just like Ivan Urgant…

In total, the channel has eight rollers with prototypes leading programs “Good morning”, “Fashion verdict”, “Evening Urgant”, “Voice”, “Let them talk”, “Live healthy!”, The “news”, “let’s get married” and a few more are in the development stage.

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Why proteins? In the “casting” was attended by various beasts and birds. But the squirrels beat them all.

“First, proteins are found everywhere in our parks and forests, – explains the chief designer of the channel Eugene Raises. — Secondly, they are greater than all other animals (from invited to the casting) like people: they have “hands” and almost human faces. And thirdly, they left such a positive that to deny them was impossible.”

But think of the squirrel Urgant was easier than to bring it to life. Work on each video lasted about three weeks! First created a 3D model of a squirrel and brought it to perfection: computer graphics drew an exact copy of the animal. Then the computer recreated the squirrel coat and “pulled” it on a 3D model. To make this model move like a man, people were worn sensors, their movements recorded, and then transferred to the drawn animal.

“In the process, it became clear that in Moscow, and indeed in the country very few professionals who possess similar technology, – says Eugene Raises. In the end, some talented guys created the model proteins, others engaged exclusively in her fur, and the third worked on a complex computer animation. On a 7-second video took three weeks of working time. And color correction, and voice. Even approximately I can not say how many people were involved simultaneously. Titanic labor”.