Незаконченный роман. Женщины в жизни Игоря Крутого The path of the famous composer to personal happiness has been long and tortuous. Relations Igor Krutoy and his wife Olga’s friends and fans call the perfect pair. However, the author of “Madonna” and “I love you to tears” experienced a lot of frustration due to the fair sex.
Незаконченный роман. Женщины в жизни Игоря Крутого

It is hard to imagine that the Creator of numerous hits, the composer Igor Krutoy once had no money even for food. Only decades later he becomes a famous musician, producer, organizer of competitions and a very popular man, the army of fans which will consist of millions. My life with Igor Krutoy, which in late July will celebrate his 63 years were women. Each of them played a role in the fate of the Maestro.

An incurable romantic, he always liked girls. Been in love himself. His first wife Yelena Igor Krutoy made an offer on the third date. She, without hesitation, agreed. Wedding the young have played in 1979, the year in Leningrad. The celebration was modest, the guests gathered in a small apartment Elena. Covered the long table, ran to the neighbors for forks and spoons. In short, it was noisy and fun. But family life turned out nothing like.

26-year-old Igor Krutoy had no permanent earnings, which greatly unnerved his young wife. In the end, Helen left her husband, being pregnant. Igor Krutoy revealed the true reason for the divorce

“I’m grateful for it, for honesty, for the fact that she made this decision, because every year it would be all the more tragic,” say decades after divorce Igor Krutoy.

Some time Elena tried to prevent contact between father and young son Kolya. Igor Krutoy admitted that sometimes he had to cheat and ask for the boy’s nurse to arrange him a date with the heir. But later everything fell into place. After a bad experience of family life Igor Krutoy tried to protect them from irreparable mistakes and your son. But the young man still had to go through a divorce, almost repeating the fate of his father. In the family of Igor Krutoy could be having problems

After ten years of bachelorhood, in the early 90-ies Igor Krutoy acquainted with the woman who became his fate. One of the banquets in America Igor presented a bright and beautiful business-lady Olga. “I did not even think that women can be so beautiful,” recalls the first meeting with his future wife, Igor Krutoy. But about the novel and the speech could not be. Olga was married, raising a daughter. And Igor was waiting in Moscow. But their love was stronger for distances and conventions. On one of the following meetings, and it made Olga offer.

“I went for broke — recalled Igor Yakovlevich in an interview. — We have no relationship, and I already made a proposal. Immediately asked the question: “Will you be my wife?” And she immediately agreed.”

The meeting with Olga filled the composer’s life new meaning. This woman is the Coolest wrote his most beautiful and lyrical songs. “They were in love with each other at first sight, he told little sister of the Maestro Alla Baratta. Igor began to write extraordinary songs. Remember brother came to me at Philadelphia, sat at the piano and began to play beautiful melody. I asked: “What is it? What’s that called?” He said, “It’s called Olenka. The result was the song “I love you…”.

Wife for more than twenty years together. In 2003 Olga gave her daughter Sasha. And they still live in two countries – Olga in America, Igor is in Russia. “I demand here,- said Igor Krutoy. – Of course, we really miss you. But I try often. Usually together spend the summer somewhere in Europe.”

In the mid-nineties popular rumor attributed to Igor Krutoy affair with the popular singer Irina Allegrova. Vocalist has inspired the composer to create several albums, which included the unforgettable hits “I clouds will shrug” and “we are All women bitches”, “an Unfinished novel”, “I’ll win” and others.

However, according to musicians, they also had a unique creative relationship.

“It wasn’t an affair, though people really like it, – said Irina Allegrova. – Had an affair, the singer-composer. If it was not, there would be no creative Alliance. But this is not a novel men and women, that’s much more valuable”.