«Фу, какая толстая!» Наряд располневшей Седоковой подчеркнул недостатки её фигуры
Fans criticized the singer for photoshop.

Photo: freeze-frame of the program “Factory of stars”

Anna Sedokova recently participated in the filming of the new season of the show “Factory of stars”. The singer chose to release a brilliant form-fitting outfit, which caused a storm of criticism in his address. Many fans were disappointed that in real life, Anne does not look like the pictures in social networks.

“God, she’s fat. Wow how big it is. Would you lose weight not interfered with, and you’re kind of niche. And flying arrows… to watch the performance from the factory, I was upset. Ass I love, but the waist somehow behaves well, very mysterious. I know that not much time has passed since the birth of the baby , but looking at the other girls and you know — they just eat less than I do! Probably four months after giving birth is the most difficult period. What is left is lay down firmly.

And with me something happens. Difficult. Very sensitive to everything. Early was a strong woman. And now I want to handle. Problems hurt as ever, all the while considering their experience. Girls , when will this pass? And there will be? When Wonder Woman will return?” — asked Anna.

Meanwhile, recently it became known that Sedokova broke up with the father of her third child. It so happened that the performer has managed to hide the identity of Papa Hector. Fans assume that he is the son of a millionaire Artem Korolev, but the singer strongly hints at fatherhood Anatoly Tsoi, the lead singer of the band M-Band.