Тутта Ларсен провела с детьми осенние каникулы в стиле «этно».
The presenter has spent the autumn holidays with children in an ethnographic Park-Museum “ETHNOMIR”.

Тутта Ларсен провела с детьми осенние каникулы в стиле «этно».

Tutta Larsen

Photo: Press service of hit home Larsen

This year, tutta Larsen decided to have their children
unusual and informative vacation. For vacation TV presenter chose the
largest Russian ethnographic Park ETNOMIR on the territory of which
presented culture and traditions of different countries.

Tutta Larsen spent with children autumn holidays in the style of “ethno”.

Photo: Press service of hit home Larsen

“Everything related to learning and knowledge must be children
wonder and joy — shared host. — I specifically chose to stay
a place where you can breathe fresh air, relax and learn something new
the form of a game. For example, the Park has a Museum
wildlife: this is a real contact
a mini-zoo where children were able to hold a live snake, lizards and chat
with other animals. It was a complete delight!”

Together with children tutta three days fully immersed in
ethnic atmosphere, tasted the pies of the biggest in the world Russian
the stove, called for the traditional dwellings of the different countries represented in the Park
and together with her daughter Martha was a master-class in pottery.