Топурия, Клявер и Нюша могут стать ведущими «Орла и Решки»
Stars said that it is ready to serious tests.

Keti Topuria

Photo: personal archive

Recently, the creators of the cult show about travel “heads and Tails” announced the development of a new “star” season of the project. After experienced travelers to toss a coin in different parts of the world, the TV channel “Friday!” plans to send popular singers and artists. To explore a foreign country with a backpack and a hundred dollars — no easy task, but some celebrities already ready, on occasion, to take part in the adventure.

“Would love to become the leading “eagle and Tails”. As co-host would take a couple Katya Volkova, we’re still friends, I think we would be comfortable working together,” said Denis Klyaver.

“I saw the project and to be its leading — an interesting test. Because “expensive” traveling is easy, and if you get a hundred dollars, I can’t imagine how this thorny path. But try to be interesting,” admitted Jane.

Not scared by the prospect of travelling for a hundred dollars and Timur Rodriguez with a Keti Topuria.

“I love to travel, so could easily become a lead. With a gold card or a hundred dollars – still, — said Timur Rodriguez. — Once as a teenager I sometimes didn’t eat, not because I didn’t have a gold card, but because I don’t have time — I played and worked from morning to evening. I do not want to, when wondering around”.

“I got a really really like. For example, my favorite thing is to go to the store, where a priori it is impossible to find good clothes and pick up cool image. The program does almost the same thing — very little money, but you need to find options to get well” — with a smile told Topuria.

Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolsky also was among the adventurers.

“We are ready, invite — said Natalia. — It would be absolutely great if I got a gold card. But I would be very worried about Vova, if he did not get”.

“I was gonna go anyway, and not a hundred and five dollars. I’m sure I would have found a way to pocket were three hundred dollars,” commented Presnyakov.

Celebrity couple even backed off tossing a coin. Fortuna in the form of a gold card was on the side of Podolsk.