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Car accident victim threatens to sue the actor.

Tom Hanks

Photo: Fotodom.ru

In the near future
Tom Hanks will have to appear in the courtroom, and, unfortunately, in the role
of the accused. He will be responsible for a car accident that
the testimony of the victim, gave his son Chet is the second marriage for the actor Rita Wilson.

A resident of Los Angeles, CA — Terry Morgan filed for Hanks to court
requiring him to reimburse the cost of treatment and partial loss of function in
the result of an accident involving the car of the actor. The car, driven by Chet,
the approval of Morgan, ran into the back of the victim in the car. As a result, the
he hit his head hard on the dashboard, which led to severe concussion
brain. Terry decided to lay claim not to the young man, and to
his father, because the car belongs to actor. And Even, throughout
likely, took the keys without his permission.

As stated by Morgan,
the young man was at the time of the accident or drunk, or drugged. It
supposedly begged Terry not to call the police, and he decided to spare the son of Hanks. But
subsequently changed his mind and decided that he was entitled to compensation for the resulting

As for 25-year-old Couple,
he really used a different kind of “doping”. As admitted son
actor, he suffered from drug addiction and was forced to undergo treatment in
clinic. As the events described unfolded just before he

Will Terry
to defend in court the suit is unclear. Although after the accident he turned to
the doctor and he inspected his injuries, but police have not been called on
the scene. So, theoretically, Morgan could get his
concussion under very different circumstances.

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