На чистую голову: как освежить прическу летом?

In summer, the sebaceous glands of the scalp are more active than usual, and thus lose hair faster. Save the situation dry shampoo – beauty product, combining the properties of a shampoo and styling.

Dry shampoo is deservedly considered a beauty product No. 1 during the hot season. All you have to do is shake the bottle, spray onto roots of hair (from a distance of 30 cm), carefully brushed and lightly fluff the hair. After this simple ritual, the hair will look much cleaner, well-groomed and lush. In short, the perfect solution for travel and rich working in the big city, when the time for laying often remains. Creating another dry shampoo in my collection, famous brand Batiste was inspired by the atmosphere of the picturesque markets of Marrakech, the heady smells of spices, fruits and flowers.

As a result the new Batiste Marrakech is not only copes with its main task and refreshes the hair, but also leaves a trail of spicy flavor. Notes of pine and eucalyptus complete the bouquet of roses, bergamot and musk complete the composition and refreshing coniferous chords. Stylish bottle Batiste Marrakech with designs in Arabic style will find a place in handbags and will look spectacular on the dresser at home.

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