Тимур Кизяков раскрыл правду о финансовых преступлениях Presenter continues to deny charges that he’s facing detractors. Timur Kizyakov publicly appealed to the public to stop spreading rumors. The man said that he had been slandered.
Тимур Кизяков раскрыл правду о финансовых преступлениях

Last week, viewers were upset that the program “While all houses” will no longer be released on the First channel due to the fact that its permanent host of Timur Kizâkova was suspected of making money on the orphans. It turned out that the production of videos of the kids left without parental care, funds were allocated from three sources – TV, the state and sponsors. According to journalists and verified information about financial fraud.

Sam the journalist denies the accusations and claims that they are stuffing with the goal to ruin his reputation. Timur Kizyakov decided details to answer the claims in his address on the page in “Facebook”. The man placed a post titled “Punishment without crime”, which described in detail the violations attributed to him.

So, leading often blamed for the fact that he registered the name”.”, but he believes his actions as “absolutely normal, proper and legitimate step.” According to Kizâkova, so you need to do anyone who begins serious work.

Тимур Кизяков раскрыл правду о финансовых преступлениях

After videopasporta began to gain popularity, one company, first engaged in repair of apartments, has won a competition to create stories. As a result, her staff presented a poor quality production, according to Dung. Timur and his colleagues decided to sue a company in court. The man said that it was the only time they decided to settle the conflict in the legal field.

Тимур Кизяков раскрыл правду о финансовых преступлениях“The attackers took the job and gave the video, which had caused bitterness, the shame and indignation miserable gig, referred to as this.!” – said the host.

In his address to the public Dung commented on the cost of implementation videoankety children left without parental care. The presenter and his colleagues argue that 100 thousand rubles – not ridiculously high amount for such work.

“Videopasporta removed only by using professional equipment, only essential specialists with medical books and receipts to disclose closed by law information about children. 100 thousand is the cost of one. 10 years, it is unchangeable (although more expensive everything: machinery, equipment, rental, transport, accommodation), and ten years on the Network have this official information. All contracts perfectly clear that the total contract amount is always a multiple of the number of the produced passports,” he said.
Тимур Кизяков раскрыл правду о финансовых преступлениях

Dung added that often had to separately buy the tickets and pay staff if we were talking about going to other regions. “Funding is just for videopasporta”, – said the presenter, stating that the heading “you will Have a baby” is not funded from three sources, as stated previously. Dung also revealed the terms of the contract his company has with third parties, buying a placement in a live TV show.

Тимур Кизяков раскрыл правду о финансовых преступлениях“Sponsor to pay the sponsor’s advertising at the rates of channel lists through the regional guardianship in an institution, where he was shown the child, 100 000(his gift. (…) The channel topic is not worth anything, plus channel 10 years received considerable income from the permanent presence of sponsorship and it is only in this category. Customer videopasporta always paid only the.. All the costs of separate production of the TV version always taking on the program “While all houses” – says the presenter.

Then Dung said the difference between the creation videopasportov from the heading “you will Have a child.” According to him, these are two different formats, each of which has its own characteristics.

Тимур Кизяков раскрыл правду о финансовых преступлениях“The category has always been the TV version videopasporta, as repeatedly reported in the press, and at the end of the rubric in the air were always given a website address Videopasport. (…) For a better understanding of what, actually, is a separate operation for the production of rubrics from the material videopasporta, I will explain. It’s like of the same material to make two different dresses of different size and style, and one of them promptly. (…) This second, more work is always performed by the program “While all houses” at his own expense”, – concluded Kazakov.