Тимур Кизяков прокомментировал обвинения в свой адрес
A few days ago all were amazed by the information of the fraudulent actions of the presenter Timur Kizâkova, who earned money illegally in the program “While all houses”.

Тимур Кизяков прокомментировал обвинения в свой адрес

Many are outraged that Timur has registered the name Videopasport, but the man thinks it’s his responsible attitude to their work. For the production videopasporta orphans had to pay 100 thousand rubles, which, according to Kizâkova, is not a huge amount. The money came from sponsors.

“Videopasporta removed only by using professional equipment, only essential specialists with medical books and receipts to disclose closed by law information about children. 100 thousand is the cost of one. 10 years, it is unchangeable (although more expensive everything: machinery, equipment, rental, transport, accommodation), and ten years on the Network have this official information. All contracts perfectly clear that the total contract amount is always a multiple of the number of produced passports,” says the man.

Dung admits that the costs associated with the work in other cities, they took over. Sponsors are paid only development videopasporta.

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