Состояние психически больной дочери создателя фильма «Я шагаю по Москве» резко ухудшилось Daria strongly gained weight. Also the girl had to change the medical establishment because she lacked the funds to pay for the treatment. The daughter, writer Gennady Shpalikov’s afraid of people and trusts no one.
Состояние психически больной дочери создателя фильма «Я шагаю по Москве» резко ухудшилось

At the end of April it became known that the heir of the writer, “I step through Moscow” Gennady Shpalikov left the Moscow scientific center of mental health, where she remained about five years. As it turned out, 55-year-old Daria Chalikovas there was nothing to pay for their stay. Recall that in this institution it came from deep depression. Dasha was not able to survive the death of their well-known parents: his father, the poet Gennady Shpalikov, has killed himself, and her mother, actress Inna Gulaya, swallowed sleeping pills, not calculating the right dose…

Virtually no means of livelihood, Shpalikov still found a new treatment facility, where she continued the rehabilitation of his psychological and emotional state. Heiress of the renowned names became the patient of a psychoneurological boarding school in the area of metro station “Kaluzhskaya” in Moscow. However, as it became known, now her health has deteriorated dramatically.

“Dasha very much recovered – says “StarHit” Irina, a former employee of the institution. – It is practically not know, Chalikovas weight – 105 kg. Current clothes are not coming on it has to buy a new. Recently She at the time was transferred to the Scientific mental health center on Kashirskoye highway. I think that’s where she will stay several months.”

Despite the fact that Shpalikov was in the new institution, it still does not lose hope to return to a normal lifestyle. For example, she dreams about the tablet and phone, but not enough money, and part of their pension goes to stay at the clinic. Shpalikov use the Internet to meet new people in social networks without fear that they’ll offend her.

“She is very afraid of people, – Irina continues. – She doesn’t trust anybody. Does not admit to himself even those who sincerely intend to help her. Agree only on virtual communication, but its almost there. Her phone is very old, and to buy a tablet she can’t. Salvation is in the books, they have it plenty in the house. But most of all she loves to read prayers. Believes that a black strip in her life will end!”