Звезда «Минуты славы» Кристина Денисова встретилась с родной мамой After participating in a musical show, a woman learned in the artist his daughter. Kristina Denisova came to the program “Let them talk”, to get the results of the DNA test and to meet with Olga, which left the child 20 years ago.
Звезда «Минуты славы» Кристина Денисова встретилась с родной мамой

On show “Minute of fame”, the next season of which was completed at the end of April, the whole country learned about a young circus artist Kristina Denisova. In addition to the high skill of the audience was touched by the personal story of the participant. As it turned out, the girl brings the foster family. Parents did not hide from Christina, the fact that she has a real mom and dad who, because of circumstances were forced to leave it.

In the program “Let them talk” asked Olga Denisova, who after watching “Minute of glory” has learned to Cristina his daughter. Andrey Malakhov offered to take the woman and the girl DNA tests.

The Studio came Kristina Denisova. The girl said that not remember his real parents. In foster care from it no secret that she is adopted.

“My parents began to explain in elementary school when I was 7 years old. I grown-up react. Said I wanted to be like their parents and want to be like my sister,” admitted Denisov.
Звезда «Минуты славы» Кристина Денисова встретилась с родной мамой

The girl remembered what foster mom even offered to go in search of biological parents. Kristina admits that he loves the family in which he grew up.

Andrey Malakhov invited Olga Denisova, who considers herself as the mother of girls. Seeing the girl, she began to cry and apologize for leaving her at the age of three months. Guilt the woman fell at the feet of Christine. The girl was confused and tried to calm Olga. She said she keeps her evil and believes that, apparently, the situation was meant to be.

Olga admitted that because of difficult life situations was forced to leave three-month-old Christine. According to the woman, she was orphaned and lived in the Gypsy camp. She also went to jail after she found things a banned substance. Andrey Malakhov asked the 20-year-old girl, does she feel that it was her mother. But Christina confessed that her intuition is silent.

In the Studio there was a foster mom Denisova Larisa, who said that they had always treated her like his own child – she studied in the same class as their daughter. The girls were very friendly, but because at school, everyone thought they were twins and were surprised that they are not very similar in appearance. Experts in the Studio admitted that it’s nice to see the family reunion, which can be a real model for many.

Fellow at the laboratory announced the results of the examination. The analysis showed that with a probability of 99 per cent of Olga – a real mother Christine.

“I would not blame you, we will communicate, if you want to communicate. I don’t mind,” said the girl.