Солист группы «Песняры» разбился в ДТП Andrew Eronin was in a terrible accident. Musician at the meeting ran the moose, as a result of collision with him he received serious injuries. Doctors save the eyesight of the artist.
Солист группы «Песняры» разбился в ДТП

The soloist of the legendary band “Pesnyary” Andrew Eronin got a terrible accident in Belarus. The artist himself always driving and often makes long rallies between Moscow and Minsk. In the night time towards the car of the musician ran the moose. The vehicle crashed into an animal. As a result of collision inhabitant of the forest died. Andrew himself received severe injuries, rupture of the retina with the risk of vision loss and damage of the nasal septum. Physicians gave the artist the necessary assistance.

Солист группы «Песняры» разбился в ДТП

The injured driver was immediately taken to hospital, where he underwent an eye operation. The leader of the band “Pesnyary” Leonid Bortkevich told reporters that in the near future the artist will still be able to participate in concerts. “Oh! Andrew! Son! What are you panicking?! If you knew how many times over the years, “Pesnyary” I had to go on stage with a black eye! The voice is not affected – believe me!” said colleague Eronina.

Andrew plans to return to Moscow on 10 November.