Солистка группы «Стрелки» сравнила воспитание детей с адом Mary Bibilov remembered the difficult period of his life. In 2006, the actress became a mother for the son, Theodore, and five years later gave birth to a daughter Alice. With the advent of the second child it has been swamped by the everyday worries, that took a lot of effort.
Солистка группы «Стрелки» сравнила воспитание детей с адом

A group of “Arrow” was wildly popular in the late 90’s- early 2000-ies. Seven singers adored by the whole country. No disco is not complete without any songs maiden team. However, the artist worked for about ten years. A break in the work was delayed. Only two years ago, the artist reunited with the “Golden composition”. At the moment, the group comprised of three singer – Yekaterina Kravtsova known as “radio Operator kat”, Svetlana Gera Bobkina and Mary “Margo” Bibilov. Some of them are raising children and have time to work on the stage.

Mary Bibilov first became a mother in 2006. The woman gave birth to son Fedor, but after two years decided that it is time to work. However, it soon came to light daughter Alice. Despite the fact that the artist loves his children, about some of the periods she recalls with horror.

“A year after the birth of Alice, I realized that two of the child – this is not one. Moreover, such uneven-aged children with a difference in five years. A year later I realized I live in hell: all have needs, needs are different, and no one gives in terms of emotions. Jealous of the senior, Junior is constantly on hands, hands hurt, back withers. Then comes the husband who also requires attention,” complained Margo.

Out of desperation, the soloist of group “Arrows” were willing to leave the children for some time to rest and relax. She persuaded her spouse to organize a vacation. The man realized that his beloved has a hard work, and therefore took her to the resort.

“And a week where I just slept, because Fyodor I at night walked or slept, and after the birth of the youngest had to feed her at night and keep getting up. Although I can’t imagine what three or four children. Two is enough for me,” admits the artist.

Bibilov also notes that raising children takes a lot of money. She is trying to cut unnecessary expenses, and savings to travel.

“And now a very expensive life, all goes to education and content. Just somewhere to go with children is need a long time to limit yourself,” he told the singer to “Leider”.