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Pippa Middleton announced their engagement

Pippa Middleton and James Matthews

Photo: Instagram.com

The younger sister of Kate Middleton
officially became a bride! She got engaged with her boyfriend 40 — year-old financial
broker James Matthews. This was reported by the newspaper the Daily Mail.

The engagement was a surprise not only for
parents and friends of Pippa Middleton, but for her the most. She was just speechless from
wonder when James got down on one knee, drew from his pocket a box
with the ring and asked the younger sister of the Duchess to become his wife. It happened a couple of days ago, when the couple left for the weekend
North-West England.

Pippa and James started Dating recently. In
the first time the paparazzi managed to photograph a couple in September last year. However,
this novel was also “the first round” — a passing flirtation in 2012. But then the feelings erupted just a moment, they both soon moved on to other partners.
Pippa started Dating Nico Jackson,
the relationship which lasted three years. But as soon as the younger Middleton broke up
with Nico, as it happened in September of last year, on its horizon again
appeared Matthews.

Matthews, unlike many previous Cavaliers
Pippa, not encumbered by a nobility, but it is very rich, he
made his fortune by transactions in the securities market.. Say his condition
more than a billion pounds. But Pippa, according to girlfriend
drew is not the money of Denims. They are soul mates, James shares
almost all Hobbies of his bride. For example, both avid athletes.
Together they swim, run, and make vilacrosse. And earlier this year two took part in a ski marathon on the track length of 33 miles

As for the matrimonial plans of Pippa, though
specific wedding date is not appointed yet, it is expected that the ceremony
will be held next year and will, without a doubt, one of the most notable
events in the social life of Britain.

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