Участников «Новой Фабрики звезд» заподозрили в любовной связи The audience feel that Guzel Khasanova experiencing feelings for Nikita Kuznetsov. Recently the budding performer was offered the young man to retire to a place without video cameras. The audience is extremely ambiguous attitude to the entries shown in the diaries.
Участников «Новой Фабрики звезд» заподозрили в любовной связи

On the channel MUZ-TV in the midst of a “New star Factory”. The participants of the project becomes smaller, which makes the hearts of viewers flutter. No less heated discussions and caused relations Nikita Kuznetsov and Guzel Hasanova. Young people and provoked rumors about a possible affair. The reason for the speculation of the public was their close friendship and close cooperation.

Recently, Kuznetsov and Khasanova presented to the public song “Two”. During her performance at the concert “manufacturers” very gently looked at each other. Many viewers decided that Nikita can be found with Guzel. Oil poured into the fire and kisses of guys who left the fans in disbelief. They began to ask other artists about whether or not they are in a relationship. Some even put forward the version that Nikita and Guzel PR on the alleged affair.

The Kuznetsov claims that are not yet ready for a serious relationship. In a recent issue of the diaries project Guzel asked the young rapper to embrace her. “I love you”, said Khasanova, reacting very nervously standing near the camera.

After some time, Guzel decided to respond to the speculation of fans and vocal show. According to “fabrikantki” she is not going to justify myself to other people.

“Drawing a parallel with Chekhov, I thought of a joke that if at the beginning of the play, someone send someone to contraceptives (by the end of the play) they must use. I, honestly, don’t know how to respond to such a number of diametrically opposed reviews. I see no reason to make excuses. After apologizing, the man only proves that he did not own mind, that he’s so damn dependent on other people’s opinions and what doubts in his every action. I am responsible for my life,” wrote Guzel in his microblog.

In recognition of an aspiring singer, she does not consider herself a perfect man is not going to change who you are to impress the audience. Those who are impressed by Khasanova, hastened to support her in the comments. “Everybody has a different opinion. The main rule of life is not to think about what others will think of you, and to live happily”, “Do what you think is right”, “Sense of humour five points”, “don’t make excuses! It’s your own business”, “You and Nikita great”, “Love one another”, is discussed in the Network.