Новорожденный сын Эдгарда Запашного помещен в отделение реанимации
Child trainer Edgard zapashnogo should have been born in September, but in the end I went into labor early by a few weeks.

Новорожденный сын Эдгарда Запашного помещен в отделение реанимации

In the end, the doctors decided to put the baby in the intensive care unit. It is reported that with the boy, and mom’s all right.

“Everything happened suddenly – said Zapashny. We were expecting a son in September, but he decided to show up early. Yaroslavna called me today at eight in the morning and said that giving birth. At this time I was on vacation in Astrakhan with a friend. Flew the first flight and rushed to the hospital.

I already talked to the chief doctor of the hospital. He assured me that all will be well, health of Fame, and the son is not in danger. However, baby is still some time lie down in the box. I saw him, but take not allowed – not yet. With Fame also fine, she’s resting, she gave birth. To her I was allowed under strict supervision of doctors, and a gauze bandage. Perhaps tonight she will be moved to a regular room tomorrow and will be able to see normally. By the end of the week will be clear when they write”.

The Edgard also congratulated on the birth of an heir’s ex-wife, with whom after the divorce, he was able to maintain cordial relations.

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