У Марюса Вайсберга родился сын
The famous Director first became a father.

Marius Weisberg and Natalia Bardo

Photo: Instagram.com

Bride by Marius Weisberg — Natalia Bardo gave him a son. As it turned out, the boy was born at the end of may, but it has become known only now. Future spouses managed to hide the birth of a child, as both now live in America. It was there, in one of the perinatal centres was the birth of the beloved one famous Director. The birth of a son, Marius explains his absence at Kinotavr this year. The newly 45-year-old father did not want to part with a newborn and preferred the high life family.

Incidentally, Weisberg is with the bride for a long time hid the pregnancy Natalia. But when tummy Bardot has already widened considerably, to hide “interesting position” has become more difficult. By the way, the first time Marius had just started Dating Bardo, many fans did not believe in the sincerity of their relationship. The thing is, once Natalia took part in the filming of House 2, and some fans believed that her affair with one of the most successful Directors of the country — no more than a calculation. However, the reality turned out quite differently. Natalia was an actress who was popular in film and in the filming of the series. Bardo, who graduated from the theatre Institute named Shchukin, was also passionate about charity. Marius and Natalia try never to leave and live in complete harmony. And this spring there were rumors that Bardot received from Weisberg offer hands and hearts. So, it is quite possible that soon in a couple’s life will be another joyful event — a wedding.

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