Влюбленные умерли, держась за руки, после 58 лет брака

George Rodriguez and his wife Ora Lee died with a difference in three hours.

It seems that scientists did not lie when he said that eternal love exists. Pair of American of San Antonio proves it.

George Rodriguez and his wife Ora Lee had been together for as many as 60, of whom 58 years married… And dead spouses, just in a fairy tale, one day, holding hands.

Recent months have not been easy for the couple. Due to advanced age couple were forced to stay in the hospital, under constant supervision of doctors. Both were diagnosed with dementia of the heart.”

In a day when doctors said George. last hours of life, they are asked to leave them in the same room. In the end, the husband suffered a stroke and died in his sleep, and his wife Ora Lee died a few hours afterwards. While the couple did not cease to hold each other’s hands.

“I’m awfully happy for them. I can’t believe it happened that way. Such only happens in the movies,” admitted the daughter of the deceased pensioners Karina Martinez.

Interestingly, just a week before the death of the lovers managed to celebrate a wedding anniversary, reports the Mirror. And the last days spent surrounded by children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

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