Последние съемки с Илоной Новоселовой обернулись скандалом On the TNT channel on 2 September will be a new issue of “Psychics: the Battle of the fittest.” In the filming of this series took part Ilona Novoselova. As told by the producer of the show, witch was very short-tempered during work and arguing with other psychics.

On Saturday 2 September on TNT will be released edition of the project “the Psychics: the Battle of the fittest” with the participation of Ilona Novoselova”. “StarHit” found out, how was shooting the last witch why she was upset and then apologized.

Ilona Novoselova tragically died after falling from the window of his apartment, which is located on the sixth floor. The tragedy occurred on 13 June this year. Witches fans are still wondering what caused the mysterious death of 29-year member of the popular TV show. What life was like Ilona Novoselova: scandals, kidnapping, the rumors of a sex change

Shortly before the death of the witch participated in the filming of the new program “the Psychics: the Battle of the fittest.”

“We invite those or other clairvoyants on the real request of the audience, – said the “StarHit”. – That is, people send us letters that we want to see. So the name Ilona is often featured there. Despite the complex nature, really loved her audience, she was an interesting person.”

The show’s producer Irina smetana said “StarHit” what happened on the court. According to her, Ilona came to the shooting in a bad mood. On top of that, the girl wanted to work with Alexander Sheps. Earlier it was said that psychics even had an affair a few years ago. A friend of the deceased Novoselova revealed the details of its relationship with the Sheps

“Her character was very short-tempered, impulsive. Ilona could have a good shout if something isn’t liked, but then calmed down. That is the personality. This time the situation repeated. She was annoyed. And besides, Ilona learned that will be removed along with the Sheps, they why-that all time each other hurt. The fact is that when we choose psychics for filming, we don’t always know who exactly will participate. When we were asked Ilona about the Sheps at the time didn’t know. In General, this fact added fuel to the fire, Ilona even more fired up,” said smetana.

All the people who worked with Ilona, celebrate her short temper, however, confirm that she was able to apologize for their actions. According to Smetana, Novoselova was very sorry that almost disrupted the shooting and has said so many nasty things.

“She was a very strong psychic, bright, emotional person. We all loved her and now miss her very much. Her passing is a very big loss. We started filming the new season and realize that Ilona, we are lacking in many investigations,” the producer added.