Муж погибшей Маши Политовой: «Наступит момент, и я расскажу, что произошло» The birthday of ex-member “House-2” Artem Shnurov posted a touching letter. Maria Politova died in December last year, taking a large dose of antidepressants and drinking alcohol. The girl’s body was found about a locked garden by her friends in the suburbs.

Today Maria Natalia Politov would have turned 31. But this did not happen: three months ago, the girl suffering from bipolar disorder, left home and never returned. Masha went on giving grandparents. North around the fence, she took a fair amount of its strength tablets and washed them down with alcohol. The organism has not sustained loading. Her body was found a few days later.

The birthday girl Masha civilian spouse Artem Shnurov published a poignant letter and placed it in the frozen accounts, most of Natalia Politov.

“A year ago she came to me to celebrate his birthday and it turned out that we are not just old friends – said subscribers man, accompanied by the text of romantic black-and-white photo. On the photos the same day and same time. It was a surprise for both of us, we were familiar with more than 11 years. Since then, rarely a day passed that she did not say, how happy that she had finally started a normal life and she first gained real home and family. He wants to grow old together. There was not even minimal doubt that this is forever. Forever turned out just for her…”

Is today, 13 March 2018, Shnurov intended to make Mary an offer of marriage.

“On that fateful day when she disappeared – continues Artem – I was sitting at work and chose an engagement ring. Today, on our first anniversary, I was going to propose to her. I was sure that we have a whole life ahead. The time will come and I’ll tell you what happened, why that future was destroyed. Not today, but soon.”

Of course, Politova will forever remain in my heart. They were very close.

“Masha was the bright, kind, loving, caring and loyal person I’ve ever met in my life. This is no longer and never will be. Those who knew her were lucky – we were lucky enough to be near an Angel, sums up the guy. For real. Let us pray for her.”

Under the post quickly began to appear no less touching, relevant message comments from friends and acquaintances of the couple.

“Yes, Maria was a wonderful man”, “Sorry for her mischief”, “so beautiful and happy in that photo! Do not choose words of comfort to loved ones. But still… this is very important: Mary was happy as ever! And, unfortunately, a short time, but very happy she knew that she has a family, a real one! Where you love her and will always support! Thank you very much, Tom, that made her so happy! She is forever in our hearts! I will pray for Masha today. The bright memory of little angel” – such message has appeared and continue to appear on the pages of Mary in social networks.