Внук Михаила Боярского учит его общаться с фанатами Little Andrew gives advice famous grandfather. Mikhail Boyarsky refuses to be photographed with fans. However, the son of Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev considers such attitude rude.
Внук Михаила Боярского учит его общаться с фанатами

The famous actor Mikhail Boyarsky fun to interact with fans. He’s glad they recognize him on the street, refuses to give autographs and listen to compliments for their work. Recently, however, fans would love to get a photo op with celebrities, and therefore are asked to pose for the camera. Mikhail Gorbachev admits that such requests it is discouraged, but because he is compelled to refuse such requests. The actor admitted that he recently walked around the store with her grandson, Andrew, who forced him to take another look at their attitude to the fans.

“Someone asked: “can you take a picture?” I said, “No.” “Grandpa, it’s rude”, the firm said me Andrew, when we moved away. Ask: “do you want us to until that night was that taken?” “No, but so rude”. He made a comment, and I realized that I need to be more patient,” admitted knights.

Gorbachev spends a lot of time with my son Lizy Seigniorial and Maxim Matveeva. He admitted that he tries to do everything to be able to see the child, as due to work he had to endure separation from their own children. Mikhail Boyarsky lives for grandchildren

The famous actor admitted that residents of the Northern capital manifest tact and not bother him.

“Petersburgers treat me calmly, for them to meet me the usual. But for visitors this event. Some inconvenience, of course. To go just take a walk difficult, especially because the center is crowded with tourists, all with gadgets. People take pictures of the nails, eyebrows, noses — anything, the feeling of being under cool shadowing,” admitted knights.

Despite the fact that many celebrities try to avoid crowded places, Mikhail Gorbachev learned to be invisible to people. He can safely move around the city unnoticed for the fans. However, the most devoted fans still recognized him, despite all the measures taken.

“Long ago learned between the streams of pedestrians to pass the theatre and to the shops. There were cases when I was fond of conspiracy and wore a crazy hat, sunglasses, a jacket — even in summer. Well raced following: “Boyarsky some fool, in a jacket in the heat goes”, – said people’s artist in an interview with “Telenedelya”.