Финалистка «Битвы экстрасенсов» Илона Новоселова разбилась насмерть

Star 6 and 7 seasons of a mystical show of channel TNT “Battle of psychics” 30-year-old clairvoyant Ilona Novoselova was tragically killed in Moscow. The girl fell from the sixth floor window of his apartment and died on the visor of the dental clinic. It was the fall of a fatal accident or she intentionally committed suicide is unknown.

The tragedy occurred on Tuesday, June 13, the day on shosse Entuziastov, in Eastern Moscow. Ilona Novoselova fell from the balcony of the sixth floor. She fell on the canopy of the dental clinic, which was in her house. The girl from the received traumas has died on the spot. Paramedics soon pronounced him dead.
According to the preliminary version, Novoselova tragedy struck after she had a fight with her boyfriend. The conflict between the lovers, who met about two years, broke out this morning. It is known that the elect Ilona was going to go to relatives in Chelyabinsk, the girl was strongly against the trip. Eventually the guy left, leaving Novosyolov itself in the apartment. Saddened by the psychic called my mom and asked to come. The woman came to her daughter an hour later. She caught Ilona tipsy. It is reported that the girl before the meet have a beer. She behaved inappropriately, screamed, cried, stood on the window sill and talked about death. Mother accustomed to the explosive and emotional character of the daughter, so did not pay attention to her tantrum. After talking with Ilona, the woman went into the next room to watch TV. After a while she heard a thud — daughter fell out of a window.
Other reasons and circumstances of incident are unknown.
Close finalists claim that she had a premonition of his death. She talked about death in the 30-31 year, as happened. Ilona recently part apologized to the mother and said goodbye.
Ilona Novoselova twice participated in “Battle of the psychics.” In 2009 she was in the top three and reached the final, but lost to Alex Pokhabov.
Ilona remembered by the audience, notorious as a brawler and an eccentric member of the program. She often expressed Mat in the air and allowed himself a controversial antics, even more than attracted the attention of the audience.
In the Network there were rumors that Novoselov made a sex change operation (before a guy named Andrew), and then she opened the gift of clairvoyance. However, she said that the psychic abilities she inherited from a past life.
Registered in the mental hospital Ilona Novoselova were not.