Экс-супруга Вадима Казаченко рассекретила имя ребенка Olga showed a new picture with the baby. In the caption, the woman noted that she has a beautiful son named Philip. However, the child’s face while hidden from the prying eyes of Internet users.
Экс-супруга Вадима Казаченко рассекретила имя ребенка

Ex-fiancee Vadim Kozachenko Olga is enjoying motherhood. The singer has never seen a child as it does not consider it necessary to contact the ex-lover and to help her financially.

Olga continues to defend its position. According to Olga, Vadim must contain their child. The woman believes that she will be able to get Kazachenko alimony. In the children’s Day ex-girlfriend the artist showed a new picture son, in the signature which indicated that the boy’s name is Philip. The photograph of the child wearing a white shirt with lace. While Olga does not consider it necessary to show the face of the heir, so it closes the face. Subscribers women noted that she has a cute kid and wished him good health.

Kazachenko often shares footage with subscribers telling them about the progress in her struggle with the baby’s father. Recall that some time ago the court recognized the marriage of Olga and Vadim invalid. Later in the broadcast to speak with the parties to the conflict have discussed the issue of the DNA test. Ex-fiancee does not agree to undergo this examination.

“Due to the fact that I begin to write what I hide from DNA, I want to say, we can’t refuse or accept for the reason that it has not yet been assigned to us by the court. Vadim Kazachenko is lying when it says that I’m hiding from this procedure, let it be on his conscience, like everything else. Don’t ask me about the alimony, I think it will pay they seized from us millions,” wrote a woman in the microblog.
Экс-супруга Вадима Казаченко рассекретила имя ребенка

Himself Vadim Kazachenko says that he does not want to come to Olga and Philip, as such a visit might provoke a scandal. The actor admitted in an interview that after the persecution which began against him, he did not wish to see and speak with Olga.

Says Kozachenko, now he is trying to build a happy life. He recently registered relationship with Irina Amanti. The wedding was kept secret from everyone, as the pair tired of their life is constantly discussed in the media. Offer hands and hearts the woman received during a fashion show held in March in Moscow. Vadim Kazachenko secretly married