Бывший муж Сандры Баллок Джесси Джеймс снова говорит о расставании с актрисой

Divorce Sandra Bullock with TV presenter Jesse James took place six years ago. During this time the former spouses become each other completely alien people, however, Jesse felt it necessary and appropriate to talk again about marriage with the Hollywood star and said that was the reason for their breakup.

As you know, Bullock initiated the divorce with James due to his infidelity and ongoing and systematic lies. “Yes, I have cheated my wife. Took responsibility and apologized. It’s the end of the story. Both women and men cheating is a part of life. People like to watch you fall. Remember the past and come to the conclusion that too acutely on all react. For six months near my house were 50-60 people with cameras. Felt this is not a very good feeling. I am by nature a fighter, so if I don’t like something, you want to hit. Glory is meaningless when the quality of life drops to zero”, — told ex-husband of Bullock in an interview with the Daily Mail.

Recall that for divorce Sandra filed in a state of shock. After five after her marriage to Jesse, Sandra Bullock found out that husband cheated on her with tattoo model Michelle McGee, and later it became known that, in addition to scandalous beauty, wife was 11 women.

Curiously, meetings with women, he organized in his shop bikes. “He constantly cheated on his wife. Women were found through the Internet and invited them to the store where he had arranged for intimate meetings,” — said earlier the employee of the store.

We are pleased that Sandra divorced with James, and found a new wonderful man – photographer Brian Randall. According to rumors, in a short time the couple planned a wedding.